The coach is one of the most influential individuals in our society. It has been said that a coach will influence more people in one year than most people will in a lifetime. FCA seeks to equip and encourage coaches to grow in their faith and become transformational in how they coach their athletes and influence other coaches.

The Coach's Mandate

Pray as though nothing of eternal value is going to

happen in my athletes’ lives unless God does it.

Prepare each practice and game,

giving my utmost for His highest.

Seek not to be served by my athletes for personal gain, but serve them as Christ served the church...

Read Full Mandate

At the heart of FCA are coaches at every level.

Our goal is to encourage and equip them to know and serve Christ and coach biblically with a purpose beyond wins and losses. South Florida FCA ministers to coaches through Bible studies, coaches huddles, Legacy Builders, prayer, discipleship, mentoring, Behind the Bench (a ministry to coach's wives), resources, training, outreach events, retreats, and conventions.   

So coach, don't journey alone! Let your local FCA representative come alongside and be the support you need.  We have developed many resources with you in mind.

Contact your local FCA Representative
FCA Coaches Ministry is the ministry program to coaches through huddles, events, training and resources.

The Coach is one of the most influential individuals in our society. It has been said that a coach will influence more people in one year than most people will in a lifetime. FCA seeks to equip and encourage coaches to grow in their faith and become transformational in how they coach their athletes and influence other coaches.


An FCA Coaches Huddle is a small group Bible Study for coaches that coach teams at all levels on campus and in community club/travel sports. A Coaches huddle can consist of a coaching staff or it can be made up of coaches from various teams.

  • Where:The best answer to this question is “Wherever works best for the coaches involved.” Coaches Huddles meet in a variety of locations including rooms/offices on campus, restaurants/coffee shops, homes, etc. 

  • When: The best answer to this question is “Whenever works best for the coaches involved.” Many times the Coaches huddles on campus meet in the morning before school starts. Other coaches huddles will meet once a week at a pre-determined time (morning, noon or night) and location in the community chosen by the coaches.

To LEAD a Huddle

A Coaches Huddle can be led by a coach or another adult serving as the bible study leader. Get Started in 3 Steps:

To JOIN an existing coaches huddle, contact FCA Staff.

Current coaches huddles are at the following campuses:

  • Coral Reef Senior High School
  • South Dade Senior High School
  • University of Miami

TRAINING: Our training framework helps coaches to become more transformational in the lives of their players by learning to coach in all three dimensions (physical, emotional, spiritual) from a faith-based perspective. 
Coaches Training

EVENTS: FCA coaches ministry events provide short-term gatherings designed by FCA staff to equip and encourage coaches to grow in Christ. South Florida FCA participates in/offers the following coaches events:


  • Coaches Time Out (CTO)
  • 3D Coaches Clinic


Contact FCA Staff for more information.

RESOURCES: We have a variety of print and digital resources to help coaches grow spiritually and as a coach. 

Resources for Coaches

Want to start or join an FCA huddle? 

Get Started
Miami FCA Huddle
Miami FCA Huddle
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